Rejected, Outcasted, and Unloved Ring a Bell?

Rejected, Outcasted, and Unloved Ring a Bell?

Struggling through very real and human emotions like shame, rejection, unworthiness, and all around brokenness can be deemed as weakness in today's society. In reality, those emotions are not what make a person weak or strong, but they can show areas where we might need some help. Cue the Savior.

Leave it to God to step in when the world around is crumbling, and our soul feels completely shattered. His extraordinary grace and love have washed me at times when I felt exactly like the Samaritan woman by the well spoken of in the book of John, chapter 4. Friends and family may do their absolute best to love and support you when you are going through a difficult (or what seems more like an IMPOSSIBLE, GUT-WRENCHING, and PAINFUL) season. And it may help. They could be true Godsends, angels in the form of loved ones. But the key part to remember is the root of it all is Jesus Christ. Not trying to be religious here. It's just the plain truth. Like no other remedy in the world, Christ can fill every void in your heart, and every single crack, rip, and hole in your soul. More so, He doesn't just patch it all up. He gives you an absolutely brand-new heart and restored soul. I can say with confidence that, hands down, the best decision I ever made was surrendering to Him and letting Him love me.

Up until Christ began to have a relationship with me, I thought I had been a Christian for all of my life. In reality, I was more like a Pharisee. But that's a whole other story for another blog post - if you will allow me the privilege to share it with you at some point. For now, I just want to tell you, you who are reading this, that even if I may not have had the pleasure of meeting you, I love you. I feel for you, and every woman out there who has ever been led to believe that she is less than what the God of the universe and all creation designed her and you to be. You are a daughter of the King of all Kings! You are extraordinary and are worthy of so much love. You are valued and God's intention for you is that you know you are deeply cherished and loved. If you haven't experienced that lately, I hope you know I can relate. It is rough to feel all those feelings and go through so much in life. But guess what? Christ has been there, too. He was despised, humiliated, insulted, and deeply hurt without having ever deserved it. And whatever you are going through, He is right there with you. He is waiting with soooo much anticipation to have a relationship with you. I hope you will let Him surprise and delight you!

I pray that, if you have not yet had the opportunity to experience His love, you begin to seek Him. It could be in an empty room, a car, in the bathroom on a break from work or school, or maybe even in a closet, somewhere quiet where you close your eyes and speak to Him. It can be out loud or inside your head, whatever you are more comfortable with. Share your griefs, your struggles, your worries, your pain, and perhaps even moments of joy and goodness throughout your day that happened in between. Then, that you may be still and listen for His voice. He speaks in so many incredible and creative ways that might be uniquely designed for you - words, images, a song, melody, a sign, a friend, the list is endless. Allow yourself to experience the love of the Creator himself and let your soul find the nourishment that only He can fully provide.

It was by His grace that I was saved. During my darkest hours, God sent wonderful women who love and fear Him to help me. Because of their incredible example of faith, love, and fervent prayer, I began to heal. My goal now is to return that gift through Sisterns of Christ. I hope that we transmit messages that help encourage, strengthen, and bring joy to those wearing them and those reading them. Next, that those messages lead to conversations and prayer, bringing connections based on pure love. Our icon, the Sistern, is a representation of the transformation we have experienced by God's grace, from broken cisterns to precious jars of clay filled with the all-surpassing power of God (2 Corinthians 4:7). It is also symbolic of a prayer jar. Whenever you see the icon of the Sistern/prayer jar, may it be a reminder for prayer requests to be deposited - in person or virtually, however you prefer! 

With all that being said, thank you so much for being here. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share about God and His wonderful works of healing and, mostly, His gift of grace. In Jesus' might name, I pray that you be blessed right here and now, and that you have a spectacular rest of your day!

With much love,

Your fellow Sistern of Christ,


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